ADEV - The Association of Businesses and Entrepreneurs of Valdegovía

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Workshops: How to use the internet to promote tourist deals and services

On the 5th, 6th and 7th of November from 6pm until 7pm we have programmed various workshops directed at associates, promoters and businesses who would like to learn how to promote their products and services through the internet, advertise their deals or to offer their ICT services to clients or create tourist packages.

Any associate or person who is interested can attend and join the workshops. It will have a personal touch and the objective is to learn how to upload news articles and website deals. Also, we will create tourist packages to advertise the rural houses, restaurants, bars and leisure activities…

In the shop on the website we have uploaded tourist packages and products but we need to incorporate new products and ideas. During the workshops we will bring everything together. Another interesting idea is to introduce routes on Google Earth. We have already uploaded some routes but we want more and we would like you to be able to do this.


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© 2009 ADEV · Arquitecto Jesús Guinea 46 · 01426 Villanueva de Valdegovía (Álava)