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Basic Course on how to use the Internet and manage computers, in Valdegovía

From Kz Gunea of Valdegovía: Villanueva of Valdegovía (in the public library) and Espejo (in the office of the chamber of agriculture), they have organized a course on how to use the internet and basic control of a computer, where amongst other things, you will be able to enter the world of the internet, to learn about computers and how to navigate and use email.

These courses are suitable for beginners of any age.

The courses will take place from 11am until 1pm from the following Tuesday of November.

- 6th November KZgunea de Espejo

- 13th November KZgunea de Valdegovia

- 20th November KZgunea de Espejo

- 27th November KZgunea de Valdegovía

The registration and information will be held in the Public library of Valdegovía. (The courses are free of charge). Please telephone 945 35 30 42


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