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Offer for private medical treatment for members in Álava.

There’s no need to hide if you notice a deterioration in health care provided by Osakidetza, especially in the public health service and specialist health care, with endless waiting lists and irregular patient services.

IMQ IQUIMESA is the first company in the Basque Country to provide health insurance. With more than 300,000 people insured, it is offered to all PYMES (small and medium sized Spanish companies), self-employed people belonging to Valdegovía Business Associations and the Tourism and Hotel Association of Valdegovía, and gives employees access to the latest private medical treatment.

With the guarantee of Adeslas; the first Spanish medical insurance company, IMQ – IQUIMESA, is leading the sector in Álava and the Basque Country.

The PYMES policy is the company which insures its workers. In policies insuring 4 or more people you may have the option of getting a discount off the general price and for policies insuring 12 or more people you can find a reduced rate as well.

According to valid tax rules regarding policies for health care; the company pays this to its employees up to a limit of 500 euros per person and the annual amount paid is deductible from social tax, it is not paid to social security and for the employee it does not pay for IRPF (Income tax).

Also these policies present a series of social advantages: it betters company image, creates loyalty, motivates employees, reduces work absences and allows employees to enjoy the latest in private medicine. It also includes the families of employees in the policy.

IMQ Oferta.doc


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