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There is much life in dead trees: Rural hotel in Barrón, Álava

Atardecer en el valle The appearance of a dry, trimmed tree on the horizon has always had a poetic connotation, but behind this romantic setting of “dead” trees, there is an issue of creating new habitats and the natural regeneration of woodlands.

According to the World Wildlife Fund (WWF), many woodland creatures are in danger due to the removal and digging up of dying trees.

The WWF expressed their concern after finding that the tendency to dig up dying or rotting trees was threatening insects, birds, other mammals and plants that live off or nestle in the tree trunks.

A third of fauna and flowers used moribund trees as a habitat, from beetles to bats, to fungi and lichen.

The document from WWF adds that “western Europe has an average of 5% of dying or decaying trees, less than there should be in natural conditions, without mankind removing them”.

As well as sheltering animals, moribund trees add organic matter to the soil and prevent soil erosion.

We suggest you stop next to a dry tree trunk or a dying tree and observe the enormous range of organisms it is associated with.


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