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Nature and Cattle farming in Barrón, Álava

Vacas pastando en la sierra de Arkamo Our cows graze in the peaks of the Arcamo Mountains and the oaks from its southern slope help to maintain its ecosystem; restoring the woodlands and fertilising the ground. A sustainable method for cattle farming, the zone becomes the natural environment in which the cows and calves are free to roam.

The majority of our cows are black and to some, they may seem like fighting bulls, but there is no reason to be afraid. We also breed black “avileña” cows, a breed our ancestors reared, but they are more adapted to the extreme climatic and austere conditions of the mountains. The mountains produce less food and the temperature ranges from -15°C in winter, to 40°C in summer and so it has a precipitous terrain covering great distances, which is good for hiking.

For some time we have started to cross this breed with other breeds from the area resulting in the “limousine”, which are mixed breed cows with two qualities.
If you go down the mountain now, it offers us the pleasure of a beautiful landscape and seeing the incredible image of cows caring for and feeding their calves. And it goes without saying that this particular breed has a distinct maternal behaviour.


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