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Climb Arcamo Hills and discover the Barrón wolf lair in Álava.

Vista del paisaje de la Lobera Barrón is a village in the middle of nowhere, yet next to everything. From here, it is worth getting lost on the sloping mountain ranges of Arcamo and hiking to find the incredible surprises that wait for you at the top.

In the mountains, such as Arcamo Mountains, there are a lot of trees; many natural hiding places, abundant in woodland creatures and so wolves are very prominent in the area. Because of the high population of wolves the Barrón wolf lair was constructed. The lairs are some of the biggest constructions visible on the mountainside. They consist mainly of two walls that converge into a pit; all of this was constructed in stone without using mortar and finished off with large stones that form eaves to deter wolves from jumping off them. The system for capturing wolves would usually consist of a large group pursuing the animal so that they can enter its lair and force it out until it runs into the pit.
Together with Guibijo, it is one of only two lairs in Álava that are conserved.


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