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The 22nd Potato Fair in Espejo, Valdegovia, on 20 October 2013

The 22nd Potato Fair of Valdegovia, will take place in Espejo on Sunday 20 October 2013.

This year the fair has been brought forward so that we could make the most of the good autumn weather in Valdgovia and enjoy the recently harvested potatoes.

At the fair, you will find 20,000 kg of potatoes of the following varieties of Kennebec, Monalisa, Agria and Spunta. They are all of great quality, having been grown in Valdegovia.

The popular FOOD TASTING event will take place for a lucky 1500 people.

At Boveda’s Potato Fair, NEIKER-Tecnalia will have a stall, presenting its projects on its evaluation of the different types of potatoes, the creation of new varieties, and the selection and increase of potatoes.

To liven up the festival, we will have the Banda de Salinas and we will ANIMATE the street with giants and a bicycle musical.

For the KIDS we have bouncy castles and children’s sections, and if time is on our side, we will get to see a great big hot air balloon flying over our city.



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