ADEV - The Association of Businesses and Entrepreneurs of Valdegovía

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We have launched the site www.añ to promote the region of Añana

We have just launched another initiative to promote our region`s tourism, landscape and economy. Now we have online www.añ

It is a website which will act as an umbrella site with the following characteristics:

-General information on the region

-Highlighting links to the main touristic websites of the region to the traveller.
-Referencing sites of interest.

-Referencing highlighted tourist websites.

The objective is to help each visitor be aware of all the resources that we have online about our region, for example to help choose a restaurant or hotel, to walk and to help create routes or to get to know economic information and about grants to take up.

In addition it is linked to the social networks that we manage with the help of the Tourism Office of Valdegovia.

www.añ is an initiative of the Association of Business Owners and Entrepreneurs.


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