ADEV - The Association of Businesses and Entrepreneurs of Valdegovía

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Christmas Market on the 2nd December in Villanueva

The farmers market in Añana and the surrounding areas will be held every first Sunday of the month from March 2012 in Villanueva, Valdegovía.

As part of the products that form the assembly, every Sunday they will invite other producers to get to know their work, the products that they elaborate or produce and in this way they will help to enrich the monthly market to create different experiences.

On 2nd December guests will attend the Queso de Bajada (Barcina del Monte) with sheep and lamb ecological cheeses, wine products, Cándido Besa, Jesus with hens and Euskal oiloak chickens, turkeys and geese.

Also, on this occasion they have organized a craft market, where as part of the handicrafts that make up the market, others producers of different products will be invited to come along, mainly artesanary products such as wood, wicker, glass, leather, ceramics … Lots of them are unique and elaborate that have been produced with a lot of work and care.

Of course and as always the artisians themsleves will be present at the market and will be there to sell their products.

To liven up the market there will be triki-trixa, chocolate, hot wine and also workshops: recordings ( tierrapapeltijera) and masks (Gaubea bizirik)

We encourage you all to attend and promote by all means our Christmas Market in Valdegovía.

Best wishes and thanks for your interest.


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